Sunday, October 10, 2010

.........................Back to work for me

First day back at work for me ... ah well all good things must come to an end . Used my extra weelk on hols to sleep in some more, have a few lunches out, move Craig's mum out of her house into a retirement village unit, spring clean and cull my wardrobe.. long overdue and a bit of creating.
School/work will be busy this term with Zone aths for me and 12 Karoo kids tomorrow, Y6 round robin day this friday, Y5 day later in term, report writing, Kanga Cricket day ... lots on
Thought i would just share the card i made on the weekend. It is in preperation for the Magnolia stamps i have ordered. Have been thinking about getting some for a while and finally decided to order a couple . The images look fantastic with Prima flowers, pearls, bling etc, so this was a bit of a practice !!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

.......................................Still Holidaying

Yep, enjoying a third week of hols thanks to some Long Sevice Leave. Term break was nice and relaxing, did most things i had planned but now i can get a few extra things ticked off the list and get some more LOs completed. Have been watching the Comm Games too so that has meant latish nights
Helped Craig's mum pack and clean up on Sunday, as she moves into her retirement village unit tommorow. Will be nice to have her closer rather than at Grantville.
Days are certainly longer now - amen to Daylight savings i say
Love that it is milder too, though that can change in a blink here in Melbourne !!!
Some of the Los i have completed over the holiday break are posted here

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

................................Holidays are here again!!!!!

Holiday time for me again ...ahh ya gotta love time to relax and revitalise. Really need it after a looong busy and wet cold term. Have included some pics of LOs i have created since my last post back in June. Intend to scrap a lot this break and already have completed 3 LOs. have a bit of Spring cleaning - culling of my stash, clothes, etc to make a bit more room in this house. Spring always seems like a good time to do that!!!!

I have 3 glorious weeks to do whatever, as i have taken an extra wek LSL.
Not heaps planned a few lunches and such but lots of days in my PJs till midday or so just scrapping, sewing, reading, catching up on reading or DVDs.
Last term was very wet ... and dont get me wrong i am pleased about the rain here in Melbourne ... but many of the sporting events i had organised had to be rescheduled and 2 of them had to go into next term. My wonderful Athletics team - nearly 90 kids from Y4-6 came in 2nd at the District Aths Day - gloriously sunny day that one - so very proud of them.

Have included some photos of my beuatiful babies - felines - Nitro, Grace, Oliver and Moses.
May even get another post done these hols ... i will try !!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Winter Brrrrrrr

Winter is well and truly with us in Melbourne that is for sure!!!
Good scrapping and cardmaking weather i say!!!
Just under a month since my last post so I am improving ... and there was room for improvement!!!
What has happened in the month since the last post .. not a lot really
Busy at school/work .. my school team won the District Cross Country. Here are a couple of photos - after the win and of our shield

Year 6 round robin days have also been played - teams play - soccer, football, tee ball, tag rugby and netball against 5 other local schools. As the District Secretary
I organise those days - booking venues and refs etc.
Report writing has also been on the agenda - oh joy
Now I am proof reading other teacher's reports before the final print - more fun

Thank goodness for scrapping, it helps keep me sane!!
A friend from my early crafting days - she used to run a small home based stamping/craft business- think i was her best customer !!!- took over a fairly established Scrap business near me and I did some demos for her on her opening day and some card samples. Hope to take some classes for her too.

I am the 'Calendar girl' over at Scrap Book Capital for June and have set the sketch and will be setting a few challenges for the cybercrop this month.
I miss my time at scrapcap as a design team member so it will be great to set some card and scrap challenges.

I was very lucky ( by 1 solitary point!!!)to win the Postcards comp at Scrap Boutique
It was an awesome competition and i loved all the challenges. We visited a different destination over 6 weeks and had to draw our inspiration form the postcard we were 'sent' each week. It really was such a different competition to any I have been involved in before - a big challenge too!! Some of my LOs for the comp are below.
These 4 LOs were inspired by Postcards from Italy, France, India and Japan. we also visited USA and Greenland - might include those LOs next time

Think that is enough from me for now

keep warm - Melbourne girls!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Well yes it has been a mighty long time since i posted... no excuse really, apart from being very busy at work etc etc.

I have been scrapping a bit, not as much as I would like but ..... doubt i ever will ... maybe when i retire he he!!

All the little fam are good - DH, and the 4 felines . Grace is an absolute charmer and so lovable but also rather naughty!!

Am in the process of culling my scrap supplies so i have more room for new goodies which simply do not fit in the storage space I have ... it is a work in progress ya might say

Was tempted to go to the papercraft Show on this weekend but resisted the temptation - dont really need more ....... by enough online!!!!

I have uploaded a few LOs and a card i completed over the last few months
Will put up some more - for the Postcards Comp at Scrapboutique shortly - well at least that is the plan!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Above are some of my recent - well since my last post- creations - for Cybercrops ,challenges, gifts, a comp i actually won - yay!! and some just because creations.
Long time no post huh??? But i have been having a sensationally relaxing 5 week holiday so that probably excuses me. Have been doing a fair bit of blog hopping too and am just amazed at the talent around ... must add some of my faves to my blog list here so if you dont already visit them you can have a look too.
Our Christmas was good - low key and cruisy . Craig worked Christmas night, but he was going to work Christmas Day and Boxing day on day shifts so when they asked him to swap to the one night shift he did. It meant he could come and have lunch with my family and didnt have to head off until about 4:20 for his shift in Wonthaggi. I left Mum's at about 7 after a lovely day, celebrating, eating, drinking ( but only a glass or 2 as i was driving) and catching up with the family.
New Year was just spent at home, usually, at least for the past 3 years, we have had a dinner out with my sister and her family and sometimes my Mum. But this year they have the dog and wanted to see how he went with the fireworks and predicted storm, so they stayed home. We had a nice seafood salad and a big jug of Sangria and saw in the new year together - great views from the our house - fireworks over most of Melbourne can be seen!!
Since then i have had just the best holiday i can remember having in a long time.
Have slept in heaps, relaxed and read magazines, scrapping books, and read a whole novel - unheard of for me in such a short space of time . Really want to get back into fiction reading as i had forgotten how lost you can become in a good storyline. I usually just read professional publications( boring), magazines and non fiction during the working term as that way i dont lose track of what the story/plot was about when i dont pick up the book for a while !!!
Read a Mary Higgins Clark book - I'll Be Seeing You- really really good. Ordered a few more, by her, online today at Borders - free delivery and 20% off !!!

During the hols since Jan 1 I have also
- scrapped 10 LOs, 1 card and an OTP item
- culled my scrap mag collection
- gardened
- enjoyed lots of lovely lunches out and about
- visited Healsville Sanctuary
- had all the medical check ups i was due to have
- had the car serviced
- organised ( well nearly) bags of new scrap stash that were piling up at the door
- met up with girls i taught with about 20 years ago - we catch up 2 or 3 times a year
-enjoyed a few days with my neice when she stayed over - beading, Wii-ing, walking, talking, shes a great kid!!
- cleaned out the linen closet - donated towels, pillowcases and sheets to a cat rescue place
- did a miniscule amount of work for school- only what i had to
- chatted on some great scrap sites, joined a Cybercrop, some challenges etc
- spent lots of time with my 4 beautiful felines - ahh!!
- relaxed, relaxed, relaxed.

And it all ends tomorrow when i head back to work - sigh
We have 3 pupil free days and then the kiddos start back on the 1st of Feb.
Might post at the end of next week about how the first week has gone

I know i have said it before but i am gonna try to post at least every month and i have only missed December recently - i just cant find the time to post weekly or fortnightly as some lovelies do.

Bye for now